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Not just another customer satisfaction survey or loyalty measurement program.


With the C.A.R.E.tm framework, we cover the entire Customer lifecycle:
Acquisition of new relationships via sales, marketing, word-of-mouth
Retention of existing relationships via qu ality transactions, service and product value, and image management
Expansion of existing relationships via anticipation of emerging needs, continuous innovation, and building of social capital


After decades of experience in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and relationship measurement, we have identified a core set of measures that consistently reflect the nature and strength of your relationship with customers. Your measurement program can include other measures if you desire, but your study can be streamlined to these measures for high value actionable data that tracked reliably over time.


C.A.R.E.tm leverages decades of research about attitudes and the linkage between attitudes, intentions, and behavior. We think and measure in terms of the ABC’s of attitudes:


                                Affect (how I feel about you)

                                Behavior (how I act toward you)
                                Cognition (how I think about you)


The C.A.R.E.tm framework can be adapted to help organizations understand and strengthen relationships with any stakeholder:

Current Customers

Lost Customers

Competitive Customers

Potential Customers



Donors (Non-profits)

Volunteers (Non-profits)


Contact us to find out more about the C.A.R.E.tm framework and measurement approach.